Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020

V petek, 21.2., smo v MCC povabili skupino Kiwiflash, ki pa so zaradi bolezni žal morali odpovedati koncert. Nadomestila jih je prav tako odlična zasedba ljubljanski Sickbreeds, plesišče pa so ogrevali Celjani T.I.T.S.-i.

Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020
Sickbreeds & Tooth In The Sky, 21.2.2020