Celje Subculture


Celje proably has the highest percentage of unique characters per square meter of urban area. All these »warriors against the black everyday« have successfully blended into the colourful subculture. The ambient of back alleys offers company, freedom or expression, and in the same time, a haven against the mainstream of »normality«. This room is dedicated of the venues and manifestations of Celje subculture scene, including the alter concerts and parties at the notorious Kljubb, skaters, and graffiti artists. These were important junctions of Celje alter cene, places of socilizaing and free creativity werw people took a break from being normal. The design of this room aims to evoke the ambiente of a streett the connects these venuses, in which the visitors can leave their imprint and thous contribute to the room design. The room is also  an ivviation to artists quarater, which is an informal name for an area aroun Celje Gosposka ulica with a number of studios, galleries, bars, and shops. There, you can meet artists from all over, including the ones the design the hostel.

Celje Subculture
Celje Subculture
Celje Subculture