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Izpod površja zabrbotajo mehurčki, voda se razburka in o še pred kratkim plavajočem cucku ne duha ne sluha. O Šmartinskem jezeru že od nekdaj krožijo razne mistične zgodbe. V njem naj bi prebivali gigantski somi, ki naj bi menda žrli manjše otroke, mačke, pse in labode. Naivne kopalce največkrat od kopanja odvrne pretiran strah pred temi zloglasnimi bitji, ki so različica celjske Nessie. Potrjeno je, da v jezeru res živijo somi, prekomernih velikosti. To je razvidno iz rezultatov ribiških tekmovanj, ki se tam odvijajo vsako leto. Največji ulovljeni primerki tehtajo tudi do 90 kilogramov in dosegajo dolžino krepko preko dveh metrov.. Šmartinsko jezero je sedaj priljubljena rekreativna točka z zgledno urejeno učno potjo iz mesta ter okoli jezera. Med aktivnostmi izstopajo vožnja z ladjico, hoja po vodi, vodni trampolin, paintball, najem kajaka ali pedolina ter številne poti za sprehode ter kolesarska potepanja. V zadnjem času pa veliko ljudi obišče tudi Zelendol, majhno vasico ob jezeru s pestro ponudbo hrane, pijače in drugih doživetij za vse starosti, sploh pa za mlade družine.


Bubbles gently break the surface, the water is stirred up, and a couple of splashes later, the unsuspecting pooch is gone without a trave. Mystical stories have surrounded the Šmartinsko Lake for years. It is supposedly home the gigantic catfish preying on cats, dogs, swans and even small children.

Fear from there notorious creatures, the Celje version of the Nessie, other discourages the lake visitors from taking a dive. It has been confirmed that oversized catfish is to be found in the lae. Indeed, the largest specimens caught at fishing competitions taking place on the lake each year are well over two metres long and can weigh up to 90 kilograms. Šmartinsko lake is a popular leisure destination with an educational parth running from the city and around the lake. The activities offered there include boat rides, »walking on water«, water trampoline. paintball, renting a kayak or a paddle boat, or hiking and cycling along the many path around the lake. Zelendol, a small village by the lake offering food ,beverages and fun, especially for families with small children is also an increasinglt popular spot.

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