CELJE /25. – 26.6.2024/


1. CELJE FILM&ARTS FESTIVAL 2024  v sodelovanju z  LJUBLJANA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL in Europanorama /SloKinoBus/ predstavlja najnovejše evropske in mednarodne kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi žanre kot so fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film iz različnih držav (Slovenija, Japonska, Belgija, Češka, Hrvaška, Španija, Brazilija, Nemčija, Estonija, Norveška, Ukrajina, Palestina, UK, Egipt, Alžirija, ZDA, Španija, Avstrija, Turčija, Južna Afrika, Poljska, Portugalska, Švica, Albanija, Italija, Madžarska, Rusija, Bolgarija, Srbija, Nizozemska, Grčija, BiH, Izrael, Francija, Kitajska itd.); Na festival je prispelo veliko število zanimivih in ustvarjalnih kratkih filmov iz 62 držav iz celega sveta!

25.6.2024 /20.30-22.00/

Celje, Mladinski center Celje, open-air/atrij





Dir. Tom Hopkins, Kateryna Paida, UKRAINE, 16min.

Lera, a young Ukrainian refugee who has recently reached Ireland, who, fearing the worst, uses dark-web séance software (The Orb) to discover that her sister Maryna has died in the conflict back home. 


In The Waiting Room

Dir. Moatasem Taha, EGYPT, 15min.

Hussien — a 30-year-old Palestinian Arab with Israeli citizenship after being evacuated in 1948 — escorts his freshly bereaved 70-year-old mother Rashida to her medical appointment in an Israeli hospital waiting area.



Dir. Imene Ayadi, ALGERIA, 16min.

Taking place in Algerian suburbia in 1994, the story revolves around Anya — a seven-year-old girl who blissfully experiences her childhood without being aware of the turmoil caused by the civil war engulfing her country. Her sole desire is for her father — a journalist away on an assignment — to come back in time for the Mouloud holiday.


The Bridge

Dir. Jakov Nola, CROATIA, 8min.

ALAN (46) is picking up his daughter VANJA (14).  Vanja's talking on her cell phone while entering the car, she greets her father and continues to talk on the cell phone. It is clear she's talking to her mother. After she hangs up, Alan tries to start a conversation by bringing up old memories and asking her about school and her mother. Vanja ignores him.  



Dir. Matea Kovač, CROATIA, 7min.

An empty paper depicts a struggle between artistic composition and decomposition as the voice of the narrator-protagonist reminisces about her tumultuous relationship with a former girlfriend.



Dir. Antonia Begušić, CROATIA, 12min.

…” - Well, Adeimantus, has our state now grown to its full size?
- Perhaps.
- Then, where in it shall we find justice or injustice? If they have come in with one of the elements we have been considering, can you say with which one?
- I have no idea, Socrates; unless it be somewhere in peoples dealings with one another. “
(Republic, Plato)



Dir. Slobodan Tomić, CROATIA, 7min.

The film is inspired by Borges' short story Aleph. Aleph represents a unique point through which we can see all events in space and time. The protagonist entangles in a world of simultaneous events. Passing through Aleph's portals, he experiences humanity's fears and sufferings. The accent is on continuous metamorphoses, as well as the atmosphere of anxiety complemented by noises. His character has constantly been changing.



Dir. Yafa Ezzat Shahroor, Mo'men Ghanim Hasanain, PALESTINE, 15min.

Shahroor is a short documentary about Yafa’s story, who was known for her passion for media since childhood. She had a clear plan to achieve her dream, with the support of her father Ezzat, the journalist, but one day all that vanished.


26.6.2024 /20.30-22.00/

Celje, Mladinski center Celje, open-air/atrij





Dir. Jon Grandpierre, GERMANY, 8min.

Every great personality needs a personal serf. Especially as a double bass player, it is not only for practical reasons that a carrier of the unwieldy instrument is needed – real greats have their basses carried.
What begins as a normal evening in a Cologne jazz bar becomes in the moist warmth of the pub’s toilet, the decisive night in the life of a man who is not yet able to anticipate his fortune: He shall become the personal bass carrier of the great Schallner – “Schallner has chosen me.”


Common Desire

Dir. Tringa Gashi, Andita Shabanaj, KOSOVO, 11min.

Common Desire explores what it is that drives people’s pursuit for material status as well as how a population’s desires are materialized within a free market economy. The film is a delirious portrait of the rapidly-changing socio-economic environment of Kosovo, observing several different small businesses and shops in Prizren, and how they generate dreamlike images of prosperity and social-mobility.


Flower of the Partisan

Dir. Charles Badenhorst, SOUTH AFRICA, 11min.

During the assassin Tsafendas’ years of solitary, it becomes clear that he is suffering for a futile act. Killing the "Architect" of apartheid did not lead to its end but its affirmation. But then a difficult maths problem distracts him. He remembers stories and music. He starts to live for the imaginary.



Dir. Odveig Klyve, NORWAY, 7min.

The film follows a baker through the entire process from flour to finished bread. He bakes the bread in a 250-year-old stone oven, and uses no machines when making the dough. The film shows the beauty and creativity of a craft process that is threatened by efficiency and mass production.


Leylet Europa

Dir. Ronida Alsino, Léo Beaudoin, GERMANY, 15min.

Four individuals decide to flee to Europe, each starting their journeys separately. As they face various challenges, their unique experiences merge into a collective story, allowing them to bond without getting lost in the crowd of "refugees".


Ana Morphose

Dir.  Joao Rodrigues, PORTUGAL, 10min.

A little girl reads herself to sleep. As she dozes off, the physical world starts melting into an alternate reality where the contents of a book rule over the laws of physics.
Ana has to escape being swallowed by the overwhelming accumulation of printed knowledge and find her own space in a world where nothing is what it seems.



Dir. Martin Gerigk, GERMANY, 8min.

‘Demi-Goddesses’ is the second essay about still dominant dark aspects of our modern society. It is conceived as a surreal anti-patriarchal thought experiment and raises important questions about gender, power, and social change, prompting us to reflect on how historical patterns of discrimination and oppression might be either repeated or overcome in a reversed gendered world. It challenges the viewer to confront their own assumptions and biases, and to consider the possibilities of a more equitable society.



Dir. Daniel Rodrigues Correia, SLOVENIA, 13min.

"MARIBOR, YUGO MANCHESTER" is a captivating dance short-film that takes the audience on an immersive journey through the evolution of the city's industry, rise, and fall in Maribor (Slovenia) during the 20th century. Through mesmerizing choreography and powerful storytelling, the film unravels the transformation of Maribor from an industrial powerhouse to a cultural gem.


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